Experts claim that company culture can have a huge impact on the success of a business. A healthy, vibrant company culture makes for better employee performance and satisfaction. But, what makes company “culture” and how do you create one that is enjoyable?

What Makes Up a Company’s Culture?

Vision – A company mission or vision is a great way to guide business decisions and directions, and give employees a purpose and a common goal to strive toward. Having a mission statement sets the tone for attitudes, choices and professional performance. A vision statement or mission statement gives the company a purpose and shares it with the world.

Values – Values are the core of company culture. They provide a tone which employees should take on to achieve the company vision. They give a set of rules for how the company behaves and performs. Values are a necessity to keep employees on track with company goals.

Being different – Define what sets your business apart from your competitors both internally and externally and what gives you the leading edge in your industry. Everyone wants to have that special ‘wow’ factor and showing your employees and customers that something that makes you different will make them want to be a part of that and will create loyalty.

Being consistent – Once you have defined your culture, stand by it. Employees and customers should know they can always count on you to be consistent. Your company should always respond the same way to problems and maintain the same values and focus.

Why does Company Culture Matter?

A company with a positive and healthy culture will make employees excited about their jobs. It creates an environment where people like to be. Creating a culture that makes employees happy increases productivity, lowers turnover and draws more talented individuals to your company. In turn, it will make customers and clients excited about what you have to offer.

businesswoman thinking

What does a Healthy Company Life Look Like?

Employees know the company’s mission and values – Employees should be well-versed in the values of the company, which can be done through experience and example, not necessarily memorizing a mission statement word-for-word. This way the culture is alive and part of the company. Employees should be able to naturally parallel the company values in their daily work. In a positive work environment, employees aren’t just there putting in hours, rather, they are there as part of the mission. They know the purpose and want to live it.

Employees work as a team – Healthy culture happens when employees are seen as a team instead of individuals with separate goals. A healthy establishment works as a cohesive team with one goal in mind. While tasks may vary, the purpose is the same and everyone should be playing on the same team.

Employees have a voice – To establish a healthy culture, employees should feel that they are heard and that their opinions and ideas matter. No idea should be overlooked and no opinion should be minimized. Employees are the future and growth of a company and should be seen that way.

Cultures to Emulate

There are companies out there that have well-known company cultures. Their cultures make them strong and successful.

Zappos dedicates space on their retail website to sharing information about their company culture. It is fun and innovative. So much so, that they got special attention regarding their positive work environment on 60 Minutes.

DreamWorks is all about innovation. Employees are encouraged to take risks and their ideas are valued. DreamWorks employees have a 97 percent retention rate.

Google’s culture keeps employees around for years. They love innovation and ability over experience. They also create a place where employees feel comfortable. Their headquarters, for example, is stocked with amenities making it an enjoyable place for employees to be. It has cafes, an on-site doctor, snack rooms and child-care centers, to name a few.

Company culture is made up of many aspects, and a strong healthy culture can help a company go the distance. If your employees are happy, they are working hard for you which results in success and growth.

Mike Mann is the founder of numerous successful companies and charities. His focus is on generating profits and channeling them to charitable causes. For more of Mike’s tips on creating successful businesses and using them to make the world a better place, download his book, MakeMillions.Com or tune back in to the blog for new stuff weekly.